This week, New York City has served us up a sloppy charcuterie board of bad news, silly stuff and interesting info about immigration, food, politics and the economy. EVLovesNYC looks forward to sharing the good, bad, infuriating and funny things we’re reading on the regular.

– Among the most horrifying local news this week in NYC (and it was a tight race, believe me) was this brutal confrontation between NYPD officers and a man holding his toddler and trying to bring up Google Translate on his phone to explain what he was doing. Guess who Mayor Adams is supporting: the trigger-happy officers or the man trying to get his family fed?
– Hot tip from Gothamist: Miraculous cost-savings can be reaped when you fail to provide asylum seekers basic human support.
– NY1 reporter and excellent moderator of network political debates, Errol Louis shares his two cents on what has happened now NY Governor Hochul has begun to take her cues from scary myths about NYC spread by GOP speeches instead of basing her decision on actual data.
– Take a minute to ponder a world where everyone is guaranteed a nutritional lifeline to escape the tyranny of cheap, bad food.
– The patron saint of mutual aids and food banks has arrived off the shore of Gaza with a boatload of food.
– Maybe stories about new arrivals landing skilled jobs in five-star kitchens will soon replace the ones about restaurants having a hard time hiring.
– And finally, from HellGate, quickly becoming one of our favorite local blogs, a writer mourns the loss of his very Brooklyn neighbor in an article that’ll teach you to talk to strangers.
Let us know if you find any great articles or social media posts that you want to bring to everyone’s attention.